A definition of witness.


Resident Of 27, Hanbury Street.

Albert Cadosch lived at number 27 Hanbury Street. His witness testimony, given at the inquest into Annie Chapman's death, contradicted that given by Mrs. Elizabeth Long, as, if he did hear what he said he heard at the time he heard it, Annie may have already been dead when Elizabeth Long claimed to have seen her in the street outside 29 Hanbury Street.

The Morning Post published his testimony on Thursday, 20th September, 1888:-


Albert Cadosch deposed:_

I live at 27, Hanbury-street. My occupation is that of a carpenter; 27 is next door to 29, Hanbury Street.

On Saturday, the 8th Sept., I got up about a quarter-past five in the morning. I went through the yard of my house to the far end of the yard farthest from 29. It was then about 20 minutes past five.

As I returned towards the back door I heard a voice say "No" just as I was going through the door. It was not in our yard, but I should think it came from the yard of No. 29.

I went indoors, but I came back again into the yard about three or four minutes afterwards, and proceeded to the end of the yard.

In coming back, I heard a sort of a fall against the fence which divides my yard from that of 29. It seemed as if something seemed to touch the fence suddenly.

The Coroner:- "Did you look to see what it was?"

No, sir. I then went into the house, and from there into the street to go to my work. It was about two minutes after half-past five as I passed Spitalfields church.

By A Juryman:- I informed the police the same night, after I returned from my work.

The Foreman:- "What height are the palings?"

About 5ft. 6in. to 6ft.

The Foreman:- "And you had not the curiosity to look over?"

No. sir, I did not as it is usual for people to be in the yard next door. They are very early risers.

The Foreman:- "Is it usual for thumps against the palings?"

They are packing-case makers, and now and then there is a great case goes up against the palings.

By The Coroner:- I did not see any man and woman in the street when I went out. I did not see Mrs. Long, one of the witnesses here today. I saw a workman passing by on the other side."

Source: The Morning Post Thursday, 20th September, 1888.