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You may not resell any of the videos, images or text that is contained on the Jack the Ripper 1888 website.


Unless otherwise stated, the images and text on the website are the copyright of Richard Jones.

You are welcome to use them for your own personal use, but you must not reproduce any of the information or the images contained on the website without the permission in writing of Richard Jones, or of any other stated copyright holder.

If you make use of any of the images on this website for educational purposes you must cite and credit Richard Jones as the author and publisher of the material.


You are welcome to make use of any text, images, videos, or any other information found on this website for purposes of education.

There is no charge for educational use of any of the material on this website.

If you wish to cite the website, please cite the author as Richard Jones and the publisher as www.Jack-the-ripper.org.


Use of any of the material on this website for commercial gain is a violation of these terms and conditions and must not be done.

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If you make use of any of the text, images, videos or any other resources contained on this website for your own website you must provide a link back to the page the information was taken from and acknowledge Richard Jones and www.jack-the-ripper.org as the original author and the source.

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The website is intended as a resource on the jack the Ripper murders and on the history of the East End of London.

As such, no charge is made for the usage of the site, so please enjoy the site, and if you do find the information contained herein useful, please let us know, and share it with your friends and colleagues.