An illustration of a man reading a newspaper.


On 21 July 1888 The EAST LONDON OBSERVER carried a report concerning the George Yard Mission. Within a few weeks, George Yard, would become infamous as the site of the murder of Martha Turner, who was murdered on 8 August 1888 on a first-floor landing old George Yard buildings, which stood at the top of George Yard.

However, the report concerned the mission was run under the auspices of George. It read:-

On Wednesday about 200 young women who attended Tuesday and Thursday evening classes in George yard, had a grand treat afforded them in the shape of an excursion in eight breaks to Warlies Park, the seat of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton Bart; who had invited them down.

They were accompanied by Lady and the Misses Beauchamp, Mrs and the Misses Stadd, Mr George Holland, Miss Brown, and several other ladies and gentlemen.

The drive down occupied over three hours, but it was thoroughly enjoyed as the weather was fine.

Sir T. F. Buxton accompanied by his daughter, matched the party and conducted the girls through the park explaining all the objects of interest to them.

In fact, he was most assiduous in his attention, and thoroughly merited the cordial vote of thanks, which was accorded to him during the day.

Tea was served, but heavy rain marred the pleasuring part of the afternoon. The drive by moonlight, however, was lovely.

There was quite an ovation at the entrance to George yard when the party returned, hearty cheers being given for Mr Holland, and Ms Browne."

it is perhaps somewhat depressing to remember that that same entrance to George yard would, in a few weeks time, be the entrance via which Martha Turner would probably have made the clien who murdered her.